Friday, November 12, 2010

The Store Finder

Human Computer Interaction (HCI) modernly known as User eXperience (UX) is all about how a person feels upon touching a system. UX includes the practical aspects such as utility, ease of use and efficiency of the system. 
Store Finder

The Store Finder is indeed a system which has got great User Experience. This Store Finder which interested me a lot was in-front of a huge mall which had almost around 50 shops. This system had a Touch Recognition interface similar to an ATM machine. The machine was located at the entrance which almost caught the attention of every customer.

The Store finder provided various information such as
  • Where am i ?
  • Search by store
  • Search by Category
  • Events
  • Opening Hours

Each of the above tabs had precise and helpful information. The touch sensitivity was very good and the system had a very pleasant , appealing , easy to use interface.

The Search by store had the list of all the stores and Search by category clustered the shops based on their category.
Search by category

Opening hours obviously had the working hours of the Mall. 

Opening hours
Events displayed all the Hot happenings that day with a great list of offers.

I feel that this Store finder will be very useful to people of all ages as it has a great UX with good functionality.

The best part is, I went to the Mall to get a printer and with the Store finder, I found out that there was no PC accessory shops in the mall. Thanks to the Store Finder.

Ashwin Rao
Personal Journal - Entry 1