Friday, December 10, 2010

Sixth Sense Technology - The State of Art User Experience

With so many amazing devices being invented in the world, People have always wondered about integrating the Real world and the digital world . Pranav Mistry's Sixth sense technology is an answer to that and which has an  amazing user experience.

Sixth sense

We manipulate real life Objects with Gesture. The Sixth Sense is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information.

Sixth Sense seals the gap by bringing the digital information out into the tangible world, and letting us to interact with it using our normal hand.The SixthSense comprises a pocket projector, a mirror and a camera. The components are coupled in such a way that it looks like a mobile wearable device .

The camera takes pictures of the various gestures. These are then processed and displayed on any desired surface using a projector.

From HCI's Perspective :
  • This Sixth sense will be one great technology that every user will cherish .
  • From checking the time , browsing the net and , drawing and so on , This Sixth sense lets the user to do almost anything anywhere .
I salute Dr. Pranav Mistry for this great device which has been generating a lot of global attraction. This device will further be optimized in its looks and we can expect a computerized companion with us always.

Ashwin Rao
Personal Journal - Entry 9

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