Thursday, December 9, 2010


Well ! From my Lecturer's perspective, the term HCI is outdated and the new age term is User eXperience (UX). Similarly the interfaces have  drastically changed as well . The latest interface which is generating a great deal of interest is the Tangible User Interface. It was once known as Graspable User Interface

Tangible interfaces have been recently developed, where everyday physical objects are embedded with computation, being able to sense and react to the ways they are picked up, manipulated, and moved in space. This approach has already found its way into a broad range of toys and game systems such as the Nintendo Wii. Camera and pressure input has also been developed that enables the movement of our whole body to control the computer, such as pressure pads in Dance Revolution and the use of video tracking in Sony’s Eye Toy games. Kinect and Move are the latest advancements in user experience.

From HCI's Perspective :
  • Tangible interfaces are a revolution in Human interface with the computers
  • The ability to sense our interaction without direct physical engagement with computer systems or input devices is also a growing trend.
I would say Tangible interface is a state of art interface technique which is developing day by day and constantly every year more tangible systems are showing up.

Ashwin Rao
Personal Journal - Entry 6

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